Benefits of Performing Mailing List Cleanup
In order to have a healthy environment for your outbox; it is important that you perform a mailing list cleanup . This works by getting rid of all outdated, invalid, and inactive email addresses in your database. This process may require time and effort; however, it will certainly deliver a positive result to your business. Benefits of Mailing List Cleanup 1. Lower Bounce Rate This happens when a mailing service is not successful in sending your message to another mailing server ; it will commonly lead to an automated response known as bounce. If you regularly send an email, you’ll find out many of these bounces and get rid of them, which will increase your deliverability. 2. Greater Sender Reputation Email deliverability is based upon the reputation of the sender. This relies on how active the subscriber is, number of bounces, spam trap hits, and users' complaints. A regular mailing list cleanup can help you avoid any complicat...