Email hygiene services are more popular than ever

Email hygiene services are more popular than ever judging by the amount of companies now that are offering it. Just 10 years ago, there were less than 5 email list validation service companies and we were one of them. Validation was not verification back then. Validation did not do any type of verifying if the email is good or a bounce. Generally, a quick mx check would suffice as bounces back then didn’t affect sending scores all that much. But wow how times have changed.

Now, there are dozens of email list hygiene companies. This trend stemmed from white listing and a need for verification. Email service providers started judging delivery based on bounces versus traps and complainers thus the need for verification was metamorphosing into the unknown. Most email verify companies could not remove traps, complainers and litigators and charged a huge price for verifying an email list. Prices range from $300 - $10,000 per 1 million records right now and many, unfortunately, think the more you pay, the better the service. That is not the case.

The typical cost, right now, to verify 1 million records, is around $300. Verify550 actually sends 3 times so our cost is more, however, we do not make runs again on good emails. All of this is done in real time and that is why our cost is $1,000 per million. But the value is more than just verification. We use eHygienics’ validation technology to remove the threats of traps, complainers and litigators not including syntax and temporaries. Verify550 was built for eHygienics to be the ultimate bounce removal tool.

Email hygiene services are more popular than ever because email service providers are using our technology to help their customers. recently approved Verify550 as one of their email list hygiene vendors. aWeber’s clientele are all white listed non-spammy clients and they recognize, just as we have said for years, that traps, complainers and litigators still exist inside clean lists and trusting your clientele’s memory is a bad idea.

This is the syndicated copy of an original article posted at


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