Don’t be fooled by email hygiene services

There are too many email hygiene services and you could be fooled into purchasing false information. Any yahoo can say they know how to remove traps, but how can you prove it without mailing to it? Don’t be fooled. When you see a link that says scrub email list free or a service that gives it away, buyer beware.
Anyone can fake an algorithm. All you need is a couple hundreds bucks a month and hire someone from any freelancing site along with buying a front end theme, logo, color scheme and bam! Instant hygiene company. But where did they get their suppressions? How do they track traps, complainers and litigators including how do they continue to do mx and smtp checks in real time without blowing through domains and IP’s.

The chances are that an email list cleaning free doesn’t mean it’s free. In this case, the more you spend, the better. It’s easier to get back big sums than little ones. Don’t be fooled! Email hygiene services are now a dime a dozen. With over 50 of them in service and half of them white labeled, you really do not know who is legit and who isn’t. It’s really important to vet your hygiene company and build trust. A relationship is the key to long term hygiene relationships. You should be able to contact your hygiene specialist instantly with any questions or concerns.

Email marketing via volume is going down like a sinking ship. This doesn’t mean it’s dead, rather the opposite. It means it’s being regulated and no longer the wild wild west of marketing. As antis-spammers grow and artificial intelligence monitoring systems increase, so does the need for cutting down on spam. Email service providers are now working in tandem with email list hygiene companies trying to build relationshiops to halt hitting spam traps, complainers and litigators altogether to save money. This means, you need to not be fooled by some fake hygiene company in order to get onto the good IPs during the first upload.

Make no mistake about it. There are less than 5 companies in the world that understands email list hygiene and we are one of them. We were the second company in the world to offer this service. Don;t be fooled by some newcomer who says they have an algorithm that can beat the system. The only thing that works now is legacy suppressions, longevity and real consultation.

This is the syndicated copy of an original article posted at


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