How Email Verification Service Works
Email Verification Service can help solve a lot of mailer problems. Within a year 22% of email addresses go bad. If you have a 100,000 mailing list, approximately 20,000 of those are undeliverable by the following year. That is where an email verification service comes in. Email verification services help you clean up your mailing list by eliminate the inactive, risky and fake email addresses that can ruin your email deliverability statistics and also help to protect the reputation of your outgoing mail server. There are three steps in an email verification service; syntax and formatting check, domain server confirmation, and mailbox confirmation. Step 1: Syntax & Formatting Check In the first step, email verification service can instantly check your mailing list and subject it to the standard email formatting requirements; the provider formatting requirements for several email providers. The difficulty of email formatting rules makes it almost impossible for a ...