No such thing as email list cleaning free
We have written several articles about email list cleaning free and the dangers of uploading your list into such programs. The fact to the matter is, there is no such thing as free. And we need to write again about this important topic. Your data is important and no one should own or have a copy of it – period. Unless you are a spammer and do not care about the rules, then the data you upload likely means nothing to you, however, most in this industry really do care about the rules and we are definitely one of them. Email list cleaning takes time and effort. Any service that offers to do it for nothing will not place a lot of empathy into the process. They may just give you a glimpse of removal but not go all the way as they should. The whole point to a free service is for you to give them something they do not have and that is your list. Examine everything before you place such trust in the process. In fact, make sure they have a phone number and someone you can talk to for ac...