
Showing posts from April, 2020

10 Mind-Blowing Benefits Of Email Verification

Did you know that increased of number bad emails on your mailing list by just 1% can reduce your deliverability by 10%. If your mailing list is full of spam traps, incorrect or role-based, your email deliverability will be affected. Which will obliterate your email marketing ROI. So how can you improve your deliverability and strengthen your reputation as a sender? Email verification is the answer. Email verification, is the procedure of verifying the correctness and quality of an email address. Email verification will segregate out addresses that are risky to deliver. Here are 10 mind-blowing benefits regarding email verification that you most likely unaware of.

3 Types of Email Marketing Part 1

There are 3 types of email marketing and it’s important to choose which one to use. Email marketing is still a great source for generating income and can take a start up to new heights. But before you start dreaming, take a look and consider the dangers involved in email marketing and what you should avoid at all cost. Amateurs will find out really quick that it’s not a game and there are severe consequences when pivoting in this direction. This article will talk about white, grey and black email marketing techniques that should give you a pretty good idea where you fall into. Continue reading our post at verify550 .